Research Grants and Fellowships

The Arab Funds for Arts and Culture: Regional Evets, Training, and Culture
RTR (Regional Events, Training and Research) is open for projects in all fields of cultural production and usually goes to support artistic and cultural research, training and workshops as well as regional events like festivals, competitions and cross-cultural collaborations.
Open Society Foundations Fellowship:
For anyone around the world in a variety of fields who has a deep understanding of their chosen subject and track record of professional accomplishment. Supports projects that enrich public understanding and conversations on open society challenges. Must cut across at least two of the following focus areas: human rights, government transparency, access to information, access to justice, the promotion of civil society and social inclusion. Funds may be used for publications, blogs, public education, new campaigns & organizations, panel discussions, conferences, etc; but may not be used for academic study or dissertation research.
Georgetown University Research Grant- Mobility, Displacement, and Forced Migration in the Middle East:
Civil Society Leadership Award Program:
“The purpose of the Program is to directly assist future leaders in countries where civil society is challenged by a deficit of democratic practice in local governance and social development.” Humanities and Social Sciences. For citizens of following countries only: Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cambodia, DOC, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Laos, Libya, Myanmar/Burma, Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.
Sultan Qaboos Cultural Center: Research Fellowship Program:
To “promote and cultivate scholarly research about Oman across several academic disciplines. Open to PhD candidates and university academics who are US citizens or affiliated with an American university, and funds one scholar or team of scholars to carry out research in Oman each year.”
American Council of Learned Societies/National Endowment of the Humanities:
“The ACLS Fellowship program invites research applications in all disciplines of the humanities and related social sciences. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant.” Must have PhD and be US citizen or permanent resident
American Council of Learned Societies/National Endowment of the Humanities- International and Area Studies fellowships:
“Scholars pursuing research and writing on the societies and cultures of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Latin America and the Caribbean, Eastern Europe, and the former Soviet Union will be eligible for these special fellowships.”
American Council of Learned Societies- Collaborative Research Fellowship:
The fellowship “support small teams of two or more scholars collaborating intensively on a single, substantive project in the humanities and related social sciences. The goal of the project should be a tangible research product (such as joint print or web publications) for which at least two collaborators will take credit.”
Frederick Burkhardt Residential Fellowship for Recently Tenured Professors*:
These fellowships support long-term, unusually ambitious projects in the humanities and related social sciences. The ultimate goal of the project should be a major piece of scholarly work by the applicant.
*Must be permanent resident or US citizen
Palestinian American Research Center- Fellowship Program for Palestinians*:
For doctoral and post-doctoral students.; the research must make a contribution to Palestinian Studies. Research must take place in Palestine, Lebanon, or Jordan.
The Rhodes Scholarship- Saiid Foundation for Syria, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine.
Postgraduate award. At Oxford, the oldest university in the English-speaking world, Rhodes Scholars join just over 20,000 students from more than 140 countries currently studying at the University, and are enriched by the stimulating and rigorous education and the vibrant cultural and community life. Nearly 8,000 Rhodes Scholars have gone on to serve at the forefront of government, the professions, commerce, the arts, education, research and other sectors. They are well known advocates for expanded social justice, and have advanced the frontiers of science and medicine. For information about the award, visit:
Khayrallah Center for Lebanese Diaspora Studies- Migration Studies Prize:
Submission of scholarly paper or articles restricted to Established Scholars and Graduate Students
Fellowship Competition for Palestinian Scholars- Palestinian American Research Center
The Center announces its 18th annual competition for doctoral and post-doctoral research fellowships in Palestinian Studies. The research project must make a contribution to Palestinian Studies. Research can be in humanities and social sciences, including inter-disciplinarystudies in public health, environment, and aspects of science directly related to Palestinian Studies. One fellowship will be awarded to researchers studying the linkage between environmental issues and human rights with gender as a cross-cutting issue. Potential fields could involve resource management and sustainability, legislations and policies, and violations to the environment. The research must take place in Palestine, Jordan or Lebanon. **Women applicants and scholars from the Gaza Strip are especially encouraged to apply.
National Endowment for the Humanities- Collaborative Research Grants
Collaborative Research Grants support interpretive humanities research undertaken by two or more collaborating scholars, for full-time or part-time activities for periods of one to three years. Support is available for various combinations of scholars, consultants, and research assistants; project-related travel; field work; applications of information technology; and technical support and services. All grantees are expected to disseminate the results of their work to the appropriate scholarly and public audiences. Eligible projects include: Research that significantly adds to knowledge and understanding of the humanities, conferences on topics of major importance in the humanities that will benefit scholarly research.
Global Religion Research Initiative
The Center for the Study of Religion and Society in the Department of Sociology at the University of Notre Dame is pleased to announce the launch of the Global Religion Research Initiative (GRRI), directed by Christian Smith and funded by the Templeton Religion Trust of Nassau, Bahamas. Includes funding for Dissertation Fellowships and Postdoctoral Research.
National Humanities Center, Residential Fellowships:
The National Humanities Center will offer up to 40 residential fellowships for advanced study in the humanities. Applicants must have a doctorate or equivalent scholarly credentials. Mid-career scholars as well as senior scholars are encouraged to apply. Emerging scholars with a strong record of peer-reviewed work may also apply. The Center does not normally support the revision of a doctoral dissertation.
Mellon/American Council of Learned Societies- Dissertation Completion Fellowship:
ACLS invites applications for Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowships, which support a year of research and writing to help advanced graduate students in the humanities and related social sciences in the last year of PhD dissertation writing. The program encourages timely completion of the PhD.. A grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation supports this program. ** Must: be PhD candidates in a humanities or social science department in the US, have completed all requirements for the PhD except the dissertation (obtained ABD) by the application deadline, be no more than 6 years into the degree program.
Paul and Daisy Soros Fellowship for New Americans:
Campbell Fellowship for Women Scholar Practitioners from Developing Nations: Offered by the School for Advanced Research (SAR) made possible by Vera R. Campell’s Family Foundation
The Vera R. Campbell Foundation funded Fellowship is offered for female postdoctoral social scientist from a developing country whose work addresses women’s economic and social empowerment in that nation. The goal of the program is twofold: to advance the scholarly careers of women social scientists from the developing world, and to support research that identifies causes of gender inequity in the developing world and that proposes practical solutions for promoting women’s economic and social empowerment.
Eligible Fields:
Applicants should be pursuing research in one of the social sciences: anthropology, economics, education, geography, history, law, linguistics, political science, psychology, social work, or sociology, or in an interdisciplinary field that incorporates two or more of these disciplines.
Saiid Foundation Scholarships:
Applications restricted to those who are Syrian, Palestinian (including Palestinians who are in Israel), Lebanese and Jordanian). Applications from PhD candidates can be considered only for Oxford and Cambridge universities.
NYUAD Research Fellowship in the Humanities
Funded by: The New York University Abu Dhabi Institute
Eligible candidates for the senior fellowships have an outstanding scholarly accomplishment, including an internationally recognized publication record. Mid-career scholars with strong publication records and exceptional scholarly promise may be considered in this category. Eligible candidates for the junior fellowships, which are intended especially for young scholars who wish to turn their doctoral dissertations into book manuscripts publishable with major academic presses, have received their Ph.D. within the previous five years and have a strong record of scholarly accomplishment.
NYUAD Research Fellowship in the Humanities
Funded by: The New York Abu Dhabi Institute
For the study of the Arab world for senior scholars and for junior scholars who have received their PhD in the last 5 years and have a strong record of scholarly accomplishment.
Senior Research Fellowship in the Humanities – for Faculty
Funded by: The NYUAD Institute
Residential fellowship in Abu Dhabi for mid-career humanities scholars studying the Arabic world. Outstanding scholarly accomplishment, including an internationally recognized publication record. Mid-career scholars with strong publication records and exceptional scholarly promise may be considered in this category.
Dissertation Fieldwork Grant
Funded by: The Wenner-Gren Foundation
For students enrolled in a doctoral program (or equivalent if outside the U.S.) to support research in any area of anthropology. Qualified scholars are eligible without regard to nationality, institutional, or departmental affiliation.
Post-PhD Research Grant
Funded by: The Wenner-Gren Foundation
For individuals holding a Phd or equivalent degree to support research in any field of anthropology. Qualified scholars are eligible without regard to nationality, institutional, or departmental affiliation.
International Dissertation Research Fellowship
Funded by: The Social Science Research Council
The Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) offers nine to twelve months of support to graduate students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences who are enrolled in PhD programs in the United States and conducting dissertation research on non-US topics. The program is open to graduate students in the humanities and humanistic social sciences—regardless of citizenship—enrolled in PhD programs in the United States
International Studies Association (ISA) James N. Rosenau Postdoctoral Fellowship for International Applicants
Fellowship is available for pursuing Postdoctoral programme. Fellowship is awarded in the field of social sciences and humanities. ISA encourages applications from women, minorities, and citizens of all countries.
The Chevening-Oxford Center for Islamic Studies:
Individuals from the following countries are eligible for the fellowship: Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Brunei, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Lebanon, Libya, Malaysia, Mauritania, Morocco, Myanmar, Nigeria, Pakistan, The occupied Palestinian Territories, Philippines, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Syria, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.
**Must be a postgraduate at the time of application (with 5+ years experience in academic research)
Frida- Young Feminist Fund
FRIDA | The Young Feminist Fund is the only youth-led fund focused exclusively on supporting global young feminist activism to advance social justice movements and agendas. FRIDA was created to bring new resources and new opportunities to young women and trans* youth globally. We believe that supporting young feminists is key to the expansion, rejuvenation and sustainability of women’s movements and organizations, both now and in the future. To date, FRIDA has completed four grant cycles, and cumulatively supported 109 different groups of young feminists in 67 different countries around the world and awarding a total of 713,214.00 USD in direct grants. This year we are celebrating FRIDA’s fifth birthday and we are excited to be launching our 5th call for proposals and intend to support up to 30 new young feminist groups led by young women and trans* youth under 30 years of age.
Palestinian American Research Center- Fellowship Program for Palestinians*:
For doctoral and post-doctoral students.; the research must make a contribution to Palestinian Studies. Research must take place in Palestine, Lebanon, or Jordan.
Andrew W. Mellon Mediterranean Regional Research Fellowship
Funded by: The Council of American Overseas Research Centers
For U.S. citizens or permanent residents, who are doctoral candidates or received their PhD within the last 10 years, for humanities or social science research in select countries bordering the Mediterranean.
Multi-Country Research Fellowship
Funded by: The Council of American Overseas Research Centers
For U.S. citizens, who are doctoral candidates or postdoc scholars, for regional or trans-regional advanced research in select countries bordering the Mediterranean. Individual or team research in the humanities or social sciences, or allied natural sciences in one or more countries, one of which must host a participating American overseas research center.
National Endowment for the Humanities- Collaborative Research Grants
Collaborative Research Grants support interpretive humanities research undertaken by two or more collaborating scholars, for full-time or part-time activities for periods of one to three years. Support is available for various combinations of scholars, consultants, and research assistants; project-related travel; field work; applications of information technology; and technical support and services. All grantees are expected to disseminate the results of their work to the appropriate scholarly and public audiences. Eligible projects include: Research that significantly adds to knowledge and understanding of the humanities, conferences on topics of major importance in the humanities that will benefit scholarly research.
The American Academic Research Institute in Iraq: FOR IRAQI NATIONALS
Proposals are invited from individual pot-doctoral and advanced pre- doctoral researchers for fellowships to conduct research related to Iraq in any field of the humanities or social sciences. While the TARRII mission emphasizes support for the humanities and social sciences, proposals for related work in the natural sciences will also be considered. Requests should not exceed $4,000. The final amount rewarded will depend upon the merit of the proposal and the budget justification.
American Association of University Women International Fellowship
International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported.
Abdul Aziz Al-Matuwa and Muhammad Bin-Ladin Visiting Fellowship
Oxford Center for Islamic Studies
These are offered to support research in any area of the arts, humanities, or the social sciences that has relevance to the study of Islam or the Muslim world (particularly anthropology, economics, geography, history, international relations, law, literature, philosophy, politics, religion, and sociology).
Applications would normally be scholars or writers at the postdoctoral or equivalent level, but senior researchers are also eligible. An academic affiliation is not a necessary requirement.
Aga Khan Foundation
The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) is a group of development agencies with mandates that include the environment, health, education, architecture, culture, microfinance, rural development, disaster reduction, the promotion of private-sector enterprise and the revitalisation of historic cities. The Aga Khan Foundation provides a limited number of scholarships each year for postgraduate studies to outstanding students from select developing countries who have no other means of financing their studies, in order to prepare them for employment, primarily within the AKDN.
The Foundation accepts applications from nationals of the following countries: Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Syria, Egypt, Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Madagascar and Mozambique. In France, Portugal, UK, USA and Canada, applications are accepted from those who are originally from one of the above developing countries, are interested in development-related studies and who have no other means of financing their education.
American Institute for Yemeni Studies: Fellowships for Study and Research in Yemen
Support for this program comes from a grant from the State Department's Bureau for Educational and Cultural Affairs (State/ECA) through the Council of American Overseas Research Centers (CAORC).
Proposals are invited from graduate and post-graduate scholars in all disciplines. Collaborative or group projects are also invited. Projects are not normally funded above $6,000. Applicants may need to secure additional funding for other expenses or for extended research periods, but in the case of multiple awards AIYS reserves the right to modify or cancel its fellowship offer. Researchers whose projects will take them to more than one country are advised to consider applying to CAORC's Multi-Country Fellowship Program as well as to AIYS. Though there is a ban on federally funded travel to Yemen, AIYS continues to support research and scholarship in Yemen. Scholars with non-Federal funding are welcome to use AIYS's facilities (use of facilities temporarily suspended).
Frederick-Wenger Memorial Endowment:
Two awards of $1,500 to assist a Jordanian student with the cost of their education. Eligibility is not limited to a specific field of study, but preference will be given to study related to Jordan’s cultural heritage. Candidates must be Jordanian citizens and currently enrolled as undergraduate or graduate students in a Jordanian university.
Jordanian Graduate Student Scholarship
Four awards of $3,000 each to assist Jordanian graduate students with the annual costs of their academic programs. Candidates must be Jordanian citizens and currently enrolled in either a Master’s or Doctoral program in a Jordanian university. Eligibility is limited to students in programs related to Jordan’s cultural heritage (for example: archaeology, anthropology, linguistics/epigraphy, history, conservation, museum studies, and cultural resource management related issues). Awardees who demonstrate excellent progress in their programs will be eligible to apply in consecutive years.
Kenneth W. Russell Memorial Fellowship
One award of $1,800 to assist a Jordanian student, in Jordan or another country, in the fields of archaeology, anthropology, conservation, or related areas. This cycle the fellowship is open to enrolled undergraduate or graduate students of Jordanian citizenship.
Ibrahim Abu-Lughod Award- for Palestinian Studies.
The international competition is open to all post-doctoral scholars who share the mission of the Center for Palestine Studies to advance the production and circulation of knowledge on Palestinian history, culture, society, and politics through outstanding scholarship. The one-semester fellowship at Columbia carries a stipend of $25,000 and the status of post-doctoral research fellow or visiting scholar, as appropriate.
John O Crane Memorial Fellowship
The John O Crane Memorial fellowship provides support for study in East Europe and the Middle East.
Barakat Post Doctoral Research Scholarship:
The Post-Doctoral Research Scholarship is intended to enable a senior Muslim scholar to spend from October to June in Oxford to carry out a specific programme of research or prepare such research for publication.
During this time the successful Scholar will be housed in the Khalili Research Centre in Oxford, where they will be allocated a desk and workstation. Many of the offices of the Academic Advisory Committee members are located at the KRC. It is also a teaching centre, and a cultural hive of activity for lectures and seminars relevant to the art and culture of the Middle East. The KRC forms part of the Oriental Institute of the University of Oxford, and although the Barakat Scholars are not part of the University during their stay, they are allowed many University privileges such as use of the University libraries and access to relevant lectures and seminars.
There is a weekly graduate seminar at the KRC during term-time, which Scholars are invited to join, and to which they are asked to contribute. There is also an informal tea after this seminar, where Scholars will have the opportunity to meet fellow post-graduates and researchers, as well as staff.
Travel to relevant events, activities or conferences during each tenure is obviously welcomed. However, Scholars are expected to be normally resident in Oxford for the duration of the Scholarship, and participation in weekly seminars during the Oxford term time will be greatly welcomed.
The Post-Doctoral Scholarship is designed to be an opportunity, or a platform, for scholars to conduct their research in Oxford, using relevant Oxford resources as appropriate. It is obviously up to each individual to make of this opportunity what they will – The Barakat Trust cannot provide a taught course of study or of meetings and contacts for each scholar, nor supervise their work. We are merely facilitators – and we hope that each recipient will make best use of the exciting opportunities that conducting research in Oxford will bring.
The Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship is open to women journalists worldwide whose work focuses on human rights and social justice issues. Journalists working in print, broadcast and/or Internet-based media, including freelancers, are eligible to apply. Applicants must have a minimum of three years experience in journalism. Non-native English speakers must have excellent written and verbal English skills in order to fully participate in and benefit from the program.
Academy Asfari
Academy Asfari fellowships are open to citizens of Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine or Syria, and displaced citizens of these countries living elsewhere in the Middle East. Candidates should be engaged in, or working with, civil society in these countries, whether they come from academia, NGOs, business, government departments, or the media. The fellowships are available for either an Academy fellow, a term of 12 months, or an Academy senior fellow position, a term of six months. - See more at:
Actual Fellowship link:
Other Grants:
Queen Rania Foundation Fellowship for PhD Research and post-Doctoral Research:
Deadline: Rolling Basis
Fellowships at the Queen Rania Foundation (QRF) are competitive for students and graduates from leading universities, particularly those conducting research on education with a focus on Jordan. Fellowships give you the opportunity to conduct your research while being hosted at QRF and benefitting from the foundations' expertise and connections. Any nationality accepted, but preference will be given to Jordanians.
The Oak Foundation
Application Deadline: The Foundation has a continuous approval process so letters of inquiry may be submitted at any time. It will respond within three months, informing the applicant whether there is sufficient interest to pursue a formal proposal.
The Foundation grants funds within the following programmes: Child Abuse, Environment, Housing and Homelessness, International Human Rights, Issues Affecting Women, Learning Differences and Special Interest. Each programme has its own goals, geographic scope, funding restrictions and requirements for funding. The Foundation occasionally initiates its own programmes or forms initiatives in its areas of interest by issuing calls for proposals on specific topics, or convening policymakers and practitioners to explore solutions to critical issues. The Oak Foundation only accepts proposals from not-for-profit organisations.
African Women’s Development Fund
3 grant cycles per year, accepting applications at any time
Our mission is to mobilise financial, human and material resources to support African women and the work of the African women’s movement to advance women’s rights and gender equality in Africa. We believe that if women and women’s organisations are empowered with skills, information, sustainable livelihoods, opportunities to fulfill their potential, plus the capacity and space to make transformatory choices, then we will have vibrant, healthy and inclusive communities.
6 thematic areas:
Economic empowerment and livlihoods
Women’s Human Rights
Givernance, Oeace, and ecurity
Health and Reproductive Rights
Arts, Culture, and sports
The Africa Women’s Development Fund accepts grants from organizations that are local, national, sub-regional, or regional from any part of Africa.
Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship
Application Deadline: Check with Regional Office
Application deadlines vary by country. The nominating U.S. Embassy or Binational Fulbright Commission will advise you of its internal deadline for receiving applications. Embassies and Commissions must submit their nominations to the Institute of International Education office in
Funded by the Bureau of Educational and cultural Affairs:
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program provides ten months of non-degree academic study and related professional experiences in the United States. Humphrey Fellows are selected based on their potential for leadership and their commitment to public service in either the public or the private sector. The Humphrey Program fosters a mutual exchange of knowledge and understanding about issues of common concern in the United States and the Fellows' home countries. Applicants are required to have an undergraduate degree, a minimum of five years of substantial, full-time, professional experience, limited or no prior experience in the United States, demonstrated leadership qualities, a record of public service in the community, and strong English skills. (program fields include but not limited to: Agricultural and rural development, economic development, communications/journalism, educational administration planning and policy. To see a list of Program Fields, visit
Mama Cash Fund
Each year, Mama Cash supports about 100 courageous groups, organisations, networks and women’s funds that are led by women, girls and trans people. Our grantees are at the forefront of the fight for the rights of those who have most often been ignored or rejected not only by society but also by more mainstream funders.
Mama Cash Women’s Fund:
Mama Cash is helping to build a strong global architecture of women's funds so that local and regional women's movements can grow in scale, influence, and collective power. The women's funds we support:
• build the emerging movements of the most invisible and marginalised women and girls
• develop local leadership, activist networks, and donor communities
• bring international attention to local and regional issues
• respond quickly to urgent local needs
• build the infrastructure of the international women's movement
Mama Cash provides step-up support to a select number of women's funds. Step-up support includes:
• financial support to help women's funds progress to a new stage of development
• partnering to develop policies, procedures, best practices, and to build local donor communities
• collaborating to share learnings and fundraising strategies
• using Mama Cash funding to leverage new income from non-women's fund donors
Global Fund for Women
Global Fund for Women invests in women’s groups that advance the human rights of women and girls. We strengthen women-led groups based outside the United States by providing grants ranging from $5,000 to $30,000 per year for operating and project expenses. First-time grant awards generally range from $5,000 to $13,000 per year. We value local expertise and believe that women themselves know best how to determine their needs and propose solutions for lasting change. To maximize our impact in defending and expanding hard won gains in women’s rights, Global Fund for Women’s grantmaking will focus on three critical areas:
Global Fund for Women receives over 2,500 proposals each year and is able to award about 500 grants annually. Unfortunately we do not have the resources to provide funding to all the groups that meet our criteria. We do, however, give priority to women’s groups that might particularly benefit from our support. Please review a full list of our priorities before applying for a grant.
Subregional priorities:
North Africa (Algeria, Egypt, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia)
Middle East (Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Turkey, Yemen)
Areas with Syrian women refugees
Virginia Gildersleeve International Fund (VGIF)
VGIF supports organizations in developing countries, including the emerging democracies in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union, with projects addressing issues such as:
- Economic empowerment
- Community development
- Health and nutritional support
- Literacy and leadership training
- Educational seminars and workshopsPromoting education in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) for girls
Women's human rights