Muslim Women and the Media Training Institute Resources for Journalists

Media Outlets and Resources by Category
Al Nahar Al-Anwar Asharq Al-Awsat Arab Times Kuwait News Agency Kuwait Times Al-Manar Libya Herald Tripoli Post Bahrain News Agency Daily News Egypt Egypt Independent Oman News Agency (Government Website) Oman Tribune The Week Palestine Chronical Palestine Monitor Fars News Agency Iran News Daily Iraq Daily Journal Iraq Oil Report Iraqi | Rudaw (Kurdistan) Al Jazeera Gulf Times Arab News Saudi Gazette Israel Today Jerusalem post Jordan Times Emirates 24/7 Gulf News Khaleej Times Yemen Post Al-Monitor Al-Fanar Media The New York Times USA Today The Washington Post Wall Street Journal LA Times New York Daily News New York Post Boston Globe The Guardian The Muslim Link Newspaper Freelance Markets for Muslim Writers: |
Sociology of Islam European Association for Middle Eastern Studies Arab Thought Forum International Journal of Middle East Studies The Middle East Journal Journal of Middle East Women’s Studies Middle East Policy | Middle East Forum Middle East Critique Middle Eastern Studies Digest of Middle East Studies Anthropology of the Middle East Middle East Review of International Affairs Contemporary Review of the Middle East |
Islamophobia Studies Center
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
Euro-Islam: An active network of researchers and scholars who conduct comparative research on Islam and Muslims in Europe and the USA and disseminate key information to politicians, media, and the public.
Women’s Media Center
Center for Feminist Foreign Policy
The Observatory Islamophobia NetworkThe International Association of Religion Journalists: Sharia
The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies Middle East Research and Information Project Institute for Middle East Understanding The Middle East Institute Arab Reform Initiative Women’s Learning Partnership KHOL: A Journal for Body and Gender Research Ikhtyar: An open space for people interested in discussing Gender issues, and in documenting/developing a gender knowledge in Arabic. Jadaliyya: A group of feminists from a few countries in the Middle East, getting together to create a regional feminist alliance. |
Audio/Visual Blogs
Humans of New York
Arts: Muslimedia Global Fund for Women AYEINA |
List of top journalism blogs for earlier career journalists The Muslimah Bloggers The Muslim Girl The Islamic Monthly
More Resources
Islam for Journalists, Editors Lawrence Pintak, PhD and Stephen Franklin
The International Association of Religion Journalists’ Primer on Islam
Institute for Social Policy and Understanding
Tikkun: Tikkun brings together progressive Jewish, Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Wiccan, secular humanist, and agnostic/atheist voices to talk about social transformation and strategies for political and economic democratization.
Guenter Meyer: German Geographer and Orientalists. Chairman of the World Congress for Middle Eastern Studies and director of the Center for Research on the Arab World at the University of Mainz.
The Lebanese Center for Policy Studies
Middle East Research and Information Project
The Arab American Institute
The European Institute of the Mediterranean (IEMed): Think tank on Mediterranean relations based in Barcelona
LALLAB, challenging Muslim Women’s narratives – Online magazine and association whose aim is to make the voices of Muslim women hear.
The Muslim Think Tanks (TMTT): A non-profit organization that provides spaces for exchange on issues related to Islam and Muslims
Women Sense Tour – In Muslim Countries? A personal project initiated by Sarah Zouak, 25 years old, wishing to meet, support and (re)value the image of Muslim women as agents of change in favour of the empowerment of women and girls.